Médiamétrie unveils its future cross-media measurement system

Posted by Isabelle Szczepanski le 17 janvier 2025

Médiamétrie has been investing for two years to develop tools integrating the measurement of content and advertising across all types of media, including platforms. Deployment of these tools will begin in 2025, and will gain momentum as the discussions of the future cross-media committee that will bring together platforms, channels and advertisers progress.

Médiamétrie had made headlines at the end of 2024 with the announcement of its future « cross-media » committee, in which Netflix, Disney, YouTube and Amazon had already agreed to participate, and which promised, at last, independent measurement of platform audiences, and comparability with those of traditional channels. But little more was known, beyond the fact that Médiamétrie had signed a contract with Nielsen for content recognition, and set up a dedicated audience panel of around 2,500 people by the end of 2024. Today, the French audience measurement specialist lifted the veil on these future tools, and on the timetable for their deployment, which will depend on progress in the discussions of the future « cross-media committee ».
« French…

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