Europe and music: a future to be written

Posted by Isabelle Szczepanski le 28 mai 2024

The Centre national de la musique organized a European event yesterday, attended by several MEPs, representatives from the French Ministry of Culture and a number of staff from the European Commission. On the agenda: the future of music and musicians in Europe.

« Europe and music: a future to compose »: this was the title chosen by the Centre national de la musique for its pre-European elections event held yesterday in Paris. A poetic title to describe a tangible reality. Unlike the audiovisual sector, which has benefited from the MEDIA program since 1990, European music policies have yet to be fully developed. Moreover, while the audiovisual sector has a wealth of resources and studies to draw on from the European Audiovisual Observatory, the European Music Observatory project is struggling to take shape. No timetable has yet been set for the creation of this institution, which has been called for by the European Parliament, and which would solve a major problem for the sector: « access to data concerning the music sector is difficult »,…

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