Impact of AI: creators will lose more than 20% of their income within five years

Posted by Isabelle Szczepanski le 4 décembre 2024

A prospective study commissioned by CISAC and carried out by PMP Strategy assesses the loss of income for creators linked to the emergence of generative AI tools. PMP estimates that by 2028, audiovisual authors will have lost 21% of their revenues. This figure rises to 24% for creators in the music sector.

Since the arrival of generative AI tools such as Midjourney, ChatGPT or Epidemic Sound on the market, CISAC has been travelling the world to call on national governments and international institutions to protect authors. Their message points to a double loss: authors are still not remunerated when their works are used to train AIs, and generative AI productions compete with human authors. To fuel the debate,…

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