La France et l’Amérique : le grand écart

A l’occasion de l’élection présidentielle, l’Amérique va-t-elle reprendre la route de la Liberté et s’éloigner encore un peu plus d’une France engagée sur la route de…

‘Star Wars’ 7, 8 and 9 Are ‘The Most Exciting,’ Says George Lucas Biographer (Exclusive) – The Wrap

The stories for "Star Wars" episodes seven, eight and nine, which George Lucas has outlined and the Walt Disney Company will produce and release, are…

Meet The Woman In Charge Of Making Sure The Next Star Wars Movie Doesn’t Stink (DIS) – Silicon Alley

Now that Disney is buying Lucasfilm for $4 billion in cash and stock, its founder and CEO George Lucas is heading for semi-retirement. That means…