Pierre Emmanuel Lecerf au chevet du CNC

La place était vacante depuis un certain temps. Pierre-Emmanuel Lecerf a été nommé directeur des affaires internationales...

Warner Music embauche Dworkin

Jonathan Dworkin avait quitté Nokia sans les applaudissements. Il...

I Was Never Truly Intellectually Stimulated Until I Found Startups – Silicon Alley

Intelligence means different things depending on the context. HubSpot’s Dharmesh Shah and I have a long-standing debate about the value of raw intelligence in starting...

Blackberry vire son Pdg et prend 1 milliard de dollars

Blackberry est au bord du gouffre. Le constructeur canadien n'a plus les moyens de ses ambitions : reconquérir son coeur de cible parti chez Apple…

Bill Gates says putting worldwide internet access before malaria research is ‘a joke’ – The Verge

Bill Gates is once again speaking out against the internet-first approach many tech leaders have taken to philanthropy. "As...

Did Time Warner Cable’s Lousy Q3 Results Boost The Odds That It Will Be Sold? – DeadLine

A lot of investors seem to think so after the No. 2 cable operator reported yesterday that it lost a startling number of video customers…

The iPad Air Is More Popular Than Analysts Thought – Silicon Alley

It looks like the iPad Air is going to have a better launch weekend than what analysts at Piper Jaffray initially expected. Analysts Gene Munster…

Publicis, Omnicom Merger Passes Antitrust Test in U.S. – Adage

U.S. antitrust authorities from the Federal Trade Commission have cleared the Omnicom Group...

FAA: Airplane Passengers Can Now Use Electronic Devices During All Phases Of Flight – Silicon Alley

The Federal Aviation Administration just announced that they will allow passenger use of electronic devices during all phases of flight, including takeoff and landing. The...

France Télévisions à hue et à dia

Indépendance qu'ils disaient... France Télévisions est mis sous tutelle de l'Etat du CSA, le jour où la loi sur l'audiovisuel public est entérinée. La ministre…

MTV propose une alternative à Shazam

Shazam est l'une des applications les plus populaires sur les smartphones. Elle permet de reconnaitre la musique que...

Sony écluse avant la PS4

La Playstation est très attendue par les marchés et certainement aussi par les amateurs de jeux vidéo. Au moins autant que sa rivale, la Xbox…

Kickstarter CEO Passes Job to Co-Founder – AllThingsDg

Kickstarter co-founder Perry Chen is stepping down from his role as CEO and up to the post of...