Niklas Nienaß, MEP : « creators need to be brought back to the centre of European cultural policies »
Niklas Nienaß (The Greens, Germany) is one of the youngest members of the current European Parliament, and of its CULT Committee. By starting his very first term of office with a campaign to launch a new Cultural Creators Intergroup, he will be seen by many as a rightful successor to Helga Truepel, who is remembered by many creators as a true fighter for their rights. Among other things, Niklas Nienass explains ElectronLibre that the European Parliament cannot be satisfied that five commissioners-designate, no less, cover the areas that the CULT Committee works on, thereby making the institutional work more difficult and less efficient. He also believes that Ursula von der Leyen should have explained the very singular structure of her Commission before giving details to the press.
ElectronLibre – Why did you wish to become a member of the CULT Committee ?
Niklas Nienaß – The CULT Committee covers much more than culture – among its main responsibilities are also education and youth. As one of the youngest…
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