Juliette Prissard, Eurocinema: « The Media Freedom Act could jeopardize the cultural exception principle »
Juliette Prissard is the general delegate of the producers’ association Eurocinéma. Based in Brussels, she follows the daily developments of European texts relating to cinema and audiovisual works. Currently, her main focus is on the upcoming Media Freedom Act (EMFA), the first major European legislation in this field. She discusses with ElectronLibre what would be necessary for the EMFA to maintain quality European production. Juliette Prissard also says that that European institutions should avoid at all costs wordings which could hinder national cultural policies of Member States, and the cultural exception principle. She sees an opportunity for rights holders to get transparency from SVOD platforms regarding the audience measurement of the works they broadcast thanks to the EMFA.
The Council and Parliament are currently examining the European Commission’s proposed Media Freedom Act (MFA), which would establish a single market for the media sector. Does this proposal, and the proposed amendments, move in the direction of better protection for European producers?
The EMFA initially was not a regulation that was supposed to concern us as producers. It was about protecting media from political interference by governments. This is a text protecting media pluralism. We are in solidarity with this cause, of course, and are…
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