Margrethe Vestager ends her reign on a sour note

Posted by Isabelle Szczepanski le 3 septembre 2024

As Competition Commissioner for ten years, Margrethe Vestager will have left her mark for her honesty and decisiveness, but also for her ability to over-interpret the rules, which often ended in failure, with annulments by the European judge. The latest annulment comes just today: the CJEU ruled that the European Commission had no business getting its hands into a merger between two American companies.

Margrethe Vestager is leaving Brussels. It’s been official since mid-August. The reason is political: her Social Liberal party is not part of the government coalition resulting from the 2022 elections, and has performed poorly. The centrist party received 3.79% of the vote, 9 points less than in the previous elections. The name and nationality of her replacement…

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