DSA reports from the European Parliament : the Copyright directive at risk

Posté par Isabelle Szczepanski le 22 octobre 2020

The European Parliament has adopted its three initiative reports aimed at influencing the future Digital Services Act proposal of the European Commission. What the Commission will be able to retain from these proposals is uncertain, as some of them lack substantiation, some are contradictory, and some are at odds with rules that have just been adopted, such as the Copyright directive.

The European Parliament adopted on Tuesday its three reports on the Digital Services Act. The two main reports were those by Alex Agius Saliba, for the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee, « on the Digital Services Act: Improving the functioning of the Single Market »; and Tiemo Wölken, for the Legal Affairs Committee « on a Digital Services Act: adapting commercial and civil law rules for commercial entities operating online ».
Removal of illegal content
These two reports have one topic in common: the removal of illegal content from platforms, in particular via automatic tools. There is no doubt that this theme will be part of future proposals from the European Commission on the DSA. Parliament’s vision on removal of content is therefore very much expected. However, the analysis of the two reports shows differing, if not opposite, visions, which could pose a problem for the European executive.
Saliba, careful
The first report, from…

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