Authors want more revenue from streaming
More data and better remuneration: this is, in short, what songwriters want from streaming platforms, ECSA explained today at a conference organized by MEPs from the Cultural Creators Friendship Group.
Today, the European Composers and Songwriters Association (ECSA) was invited by MEPs Niklas Nienass (All, Les Verts) and Alexis Georgoulis (Gr, GUE). The event took place entirely online, due to the health crisis. It was mainly a question of reviewing the changes in the music industry’s value chain after the advent of streaming, as well as the avenues that the European legislator could follow in the future. As Alfons Karabuda, President of ECSA, explained : « we would like to move on but are forced to be part of the old music business through the contracts we have signed years ago, long…
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