AI and copyright: U.S. trials (episode 2) – Delaware judge rejects « fair use » principle

In a ruling from early February, a US court concludes that the doctrine of "fair use" does not apply in the case between Thomson Reuters…

Copyright : IA Summit falls short of existing international agreements

Despite the Emmanuel Macron’s great reluctance to acknowledge the relevance of this subject, the principle of respect for copyright by generative AIs was given lip…

OECD announces notification system for International Code of Conduct on AI

The OECD introduces a notification system that will verify compliance by generative AI developers with their commitments under the Hiroshima Process Code of Conduct. At…

L’OCDE annonce un système de notification pour le Code de Conduite international sur l’IA

L’OCDE présente un système de notification qui permettra de vérifier le respect des engagements des développeurs d’IA générative dans le cadre du Code de Conduite…

EU: Germany calls for end to copyright exception benefiting to text and data mining

The subject is technical but fundamental to the AI dossier in Europe: Germany is backing a revision of the 2019 Copyright Directive to remove the…

AI and copyright: the American trials (episode 1) – Meta’s arguments

The various lawsuits initiated in the USA by copyright owners against generative AI developers for illegal use of their works in LLM training are in…

IA: France Digitale proposes the return of the flat-rate proposal to rightholders… a scandal, say authors

In a report published yesterday, France Digitale proposes forcing authors to accept the training of generative AIs with their works, in return for a flat…

Glenn Micallef: the creative sector needs to use AI and the EU will help them do it

Glenn Micallef, Commissioner-designate for Culture, Education and Sport, will be heard by the European Parliament on Monday November 4. Among his priorities is the establishment,…

Applying the AI Act to generative AI: a jangling process

The European Commission has just begun the process of applying the AI Act to generative AI, involving nearly a thousand stakeholders. Many of them are…

French visual artists to receive compensation from Meta

It's done! After years of negotiations, ADAGP and Meta announced today that they have reached an agreement on the remuneration of visual artists whose works…

Bjorn Ulvaeus calls on Belgian EU Presidency to advance copyright in AI

Belgium took over the presidency of the EU Council a few days ago. It was in this context that CISAC president Bjorn Ulvaeus met with…

Copyright Directive implementation: SAA says authors deserve better

On the occasion of the Lux Awards ceremony, European film and audiovisual authors ask Member States to implement extensively the Copyright Directive. The Lux Audience…

Mixed reactions on the Commission’s Copyright guidance

Broadcasters, producers, CMOs, platforms are not very enthusiastic about the Commission's guidance on Article 17 of the Copyright Directive, far from it. They point out…

Copyright Directive: MEPs hold the EU Commission to account

Last week, a very tense meeting took place between members of the European Parliament, and representatives of the European Commission and Member States, on the…

Copyright directive : Germany favors platforms over culture

Germany's copyright directive transposal project sides with platforms, by reducing their obligations when pirated content is downloaded. In doing so, it goes beyond the text…

EU Commission wants to strengthen European intellectual property

In a report, the European Commission describes the hazardous situation of European intellectual property, and introduces an action plan. It includes the setting up of…

DSA reports from the European Parliament : the Copyright directive at risk

The European Parliament has adopted its three initiative reports aimed at influencing the future Digital Services Act proposal of the European Commission. What the Commission…

La Cour Suprême accepte de juger l’affaire Oracle/Google

La Cour Suprême des États-Unis a décidé d'accepter le recours de Google dans l'affaire Oracle. La décision la Cour aura forcément des répercussions sur la…

Licences musicales : les Etats-Unis lancent une consultation

Le Ministère de la Justice américain (DOJ) a annoncé l'ouverture d'une consultation sur le système des Consent Decrees, transaction judiciaire datant de 1941 et qui sous-tend les licences…

Helen Smith, Impala : « le débat sur la directive droit d’auteur est instrumentalisé aux fins de créer une fausse division entre créateurs et citoyens »

Helen Smith est la présidente exécutive d'IMPALA, l'organisation représentant les indépendants de la musique au niveau européen. Dans ce cadre, elle travaille sur une variété de…

La grogne contre Google Images fédère de plus en plus d’ayants droit

La plainte des créateurs d'images contre Google Images, lancée en 2013 auprès de la Commission Européenne, prend de l'ampleur. Après l'Union des Photographes Professionnels en 2014, c'est…

Un entêtement qui pourrait couter 9 milliards de dollars à Google !

Lors d'une audition dans l'affaire qui oppose Google à Oracle, Larry Page a contredit les avocats de sa propre société et surtout la Cour Suprême…

The Copyright Directive Revision – a guessing game

It’s difficult to guess in which direction the Juncker Commission is heading for its proposal for a Directive on copyright: “we don’t know” answer most…

Musique en ligne : quand la Chine s’éveillera

Le marché chinois de la musique pèse moins de 85 millions de dollars aujourd'hui, et se classe au 21ième rang mondial en 2013. Mais son…

Les USA aussi ont leur mission Lescure

Changement profond de législation ou simples négociations commerciales ? Le copyright américain est en train d'être passé à la moulinette par un comité du Congrès,…
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